Jumat, 27 April 2012

Cara Memulai Latihan

Assalamu Alaikum,..

Saya akan memberikan wacana kepada Anda tentang dunia fitness, dan kali ini Saya akan menulis dengan cara yang berbeda, yaitu dengan bahasa Inggris. Berikut artikel yang saya ketengahkan :


Many people have their own intention to start exercise in pursuing their  fitness goals. They want to lose weight,lose fat, shrink their arms, shrink their stomache, etc. But after few weeks later, some of them never come back to the gym, some of them still come to the gym more rarely and don’t have any change, some of them have up and down motivation, and many other reasons that make them don’t achieve their goal.
Basically, when they have intention, of course they have obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles will cause the intention totally FAILED. They start with the unproper way to start.
Those cases remind me to the articles posted by Leo Babauta, that we need to change the mindset and conditions in starting a new habit. We should have 2 ways for starting working out:
Recognize what seem to be the obstacle
Start working out with the simple steps and tips

1.    Recognize what seem to be the obstacles
·      Too many kind of exercise plan
When we are planning to start working out, we need to have adjustment as our body would have a new or unusual physical activity. In the beginning of doing physical activity regularly, our body needs a phase like “warming up”. So it would be easier for increasing the intensity gradually, and the most important thing is that we could maintain this to be a long lasting habbit. So, as the example: we shouldn’t start with a huge intensity like running 3 km for first week.  
·      Too difficult of fitness goal
We often determine what we want to achieve, but it’s too far from limit the ability of our body. So, we need to focus on basic things that we can accomplish in realistic. In determining goal, we shouldn’t too much focus on goal itself, but we need to focus on how we can accomplish then we will be able to through the valuable or even a struggle process.

2.    Start working out with the simple steps and tips
·      Determine what are going to be the plans that shouls be
Easy – running the easy plan. Start running with low speed will be a huge possibility to accomplish and after that, we can arrange the higher level of goal so we can have a long lasting new habbit.
Specific – planning is not only determine the activity, but also other explanation that can make up activity plan for example like mentioning the date, time, etc.
Trigger – that you have other activity not including the activity plan, but it could accelerate your activity plan to start. For example : you always have a cup of coffee before going to the gym(coffee is a trigger for you)
Measurable – something that is measureable is usually represeted with numbers. for example : doing push up 50 times a day, running 10 minutes 3 times a week, etc..
·      Put in your daily agenda
This will take effect in starting a new habit. You will have some kind of reminder in your everyday life. We will always have plans, reminder, and activity plan for working out.
·      Log your accomplished training activity to be socialized
Things like this can be done with post to your web or blog, facebook, twitter or dicuss with friend. It will make a process of reportage which if the exercise unaccomplished, you may find disadvantages. Disadvanteges mean that you need to arrange the time for planinng exercise instead of those un accomplished training/work out.
·      Specify another motivation if needed
There are many other motivation that can be added. You may specify whatever motivation outside of the discussion above, such as due to the particular disease; evens; etc..

Hope it would be useful , good luck!

demikian artikel Saya hari ini, sampai ketemu pada penulisan2 saya selanjutnya..
Wassalamu Alaikum ..

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